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The 3rd EACOA will be hosted by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU) from 14-16 April 2021It  is  a  bienniaevent that  brings  together  approximately 1,000

accountants from the East African Community and beyond. The EACOA provides a unique opportunity for various stakeholders to examine issues that impact on integration and economic

growth and development in the East African region.  It is also an opportunity to network and

foster movement of accountants.

CPD Hours:

Participants will be awarded 16 hours of CPD upon full time attendance.

Fees & Registration

Onsite Delegates: USD 450 (UGX 1,710,000)

Virtual Delegates – with conference kits: USD 250 (UGX 950,000)

Virtual Delegates – attendance only: USD 150 (UGX 570,000)

Event Date
Online Via Zoom and Physical at Hotel Africana, Kampala (U)