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The Public Accountants Examinations Board (PAEB)

The Accountants Act, 1992 prescribes the following as the functions of the Institute:

To regulate and maintain standard of accountancy in the country; and

To prescribe or regulate the conduct of accountants in Uganda.

The Institute is governed by a Council of eleven members, three of which are ex-Officio members and the rest are elected members. Council is assisted by nine committees; two statutory committee, the examinations Board – The Public Accountants Examinations Board (PAEB) and the Disciplinary and Ethics Committee. Seven other committees, namely;

  • Education Committee.
  • Events Management Committee.
  • Marketing Committee
  • Technical Committee.
  • Members’ Services Committee
  • Finance & Administration Committee.
  • Planning & Development.

The day-to-day management of the Institute is conducted by a full time secretariat which is headed by the Secretary of the Institute /Chief Executive Officer, who is appointed by the council.

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