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By Joan Abaasa

Communications Intern-ICPAU

Dr Ian Clarke, the Chairman of the Advisory Board of CTI for East Africa has advised accountants to lead from the front if they are to empower change for corporate and person growth.

“To bring change, we need to lead the change,” Dr Clarke noted.

“Most people have been given a position but they are not implementers,” he added.

Dr Clarke emphasised that success in organisations relies heavily on effective teamwork.

"We all need to be team players," he Clarke asserted, dispelling the myth of individual genius.

Dr Carke explained the cyclical nature of life, comparing it to seasons. He stressed the importance of intentionality in one's actions and the need to periodically review and reassess one's goals and direction every five to ten years.

He also emphasised the significance of building on the knowledge acquired during one's formative years through lifelong learning and continuous practice to refine one's skills.

"Take every opportunity to learn from your experiences," he urged. He explained that top careers often transition from specialisation to a more generalised skill set, and highlighted the importance of adaptability in the face of evolving industries.

Furthermore, he acknowledged the role of team building in empowering corporate change and encouraged a team player approach with an inspirational leader at the helm.

“There are no individual geniuses,” he noted.

Dr Clarke also spoke of the concept of “letting go”.

“Be prepared to move on,” he said. “You are more than the position you hold and there will be a new season for you,” he added.

He highlighted the inevitability of changing seasons in one's career, transitioning from a "hands-on" approach to imparting institutional knowledge and wisdom to others. Generosity and humility were his guiding principles, encouraging individuals to share the knowledge they have accumulated and remain humble.

Dr Clarke was delivering the keynote address on empowering change for corporate and personal growth, at the 28th ICPAU Annual Seminar. Organised by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda, the Annual Seminar is being held from 20-22 September 2023 at the Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe.
